Wednesday, May 29, 2013

This and That

So, it takes me 3 years after opening a blog account to actually type in one post. Talk about  procrastination at its finest. Funny thing is, I have no idea what I'm supposed to write about but I must write oo! I need to be able to write intelligent articles with great political and academic insights (and pigs fly) and at the same time be very informal and captivating in my writings. So, what to talk about?

Ehmmm.. Give me some minutes. I'll be right back..

 So, where were we? I plan to type at least 450 words tonight so ideas had better start flooding in.
Okay. I'll just do some really random talks.

1) Have you ever planned on making a change in your hairstyle and fantasized about how perfect you'd look when you are done? Well, about 2 weeks ago, I cut my hair! No, I didn't shave it, you crumpet! I still have a little left. So, here's the thing: I thought I would look so fantastic in a 'fro. Before the deed was done, I kept touching the 'unretouched' part of my hair thinking how great it would be if every part of my hair felt that way. Well, I took a pair of scissors and chopped off the 'retouched' part and left myself looking really queer in an afro. Plus, the hair texture was deceitful! It was so soft under before the chopping occurred but afterwards, combing it reminded me of the reason I had it chemically treated all these years! So for now, I'm stuck with a short style-less hair. Oh well, I bought a wig. I pray I don't get into one of those fights where hairs are pulled.

2) Waiting anxiously for my second semester results. I keep seeing them in my dreams and the grades keep changing every time. The exams and coursework weren't bad at all but still, I don't know what to expect. Well, keeping my fingers crossed and waiting for the almighty email bearing the fruits.

3) CHESS. Oh Chess. My rekindled love! Playing chess has become a default activity for me. I'm yet to become a grandmaster, of course, but I think I'm getting better with each passing day. Learnt a few tricks here and there. So, if you think you are good, holla and give me the chance to whoop your chess butt!

4)  Richard Castle. My new favourite TV character. Castle and Beckett (Caskett) hahaha! Can't believe I just made that up! Those two had great chemistry in seasons 1 to 4 until they kissed and ruined all the great love tension that made me watch the series in the first place. I think the anticipation of both of them realising that they belong together was more fun than both of them actually being together. And what was Castle thinking when he proposed at the end of season 5? Why must they end the season without a response from Beckett? Will she really move to the FBI and leave Espesito and Ryan at NYPD? The more important question is, WILL THERE BE A SEASON 6? Or will they end the show the way 'Lie To Me' ended without prior notice? I'll be so crushed if the story is over.

5) Online shopping and the evils! I'm almost broke because of ads that follow me everywhere on the internet. If you think of getting a friend a gift and you surf the internet for options like shoes, bags, wristwatches ... You will never be able to browse peacefully on the internet without 'new arrivals' popping up here and there. Trust yours faithfully to fall into their temptation. I tell myself I'm just going to do a little 'window shopping'. Next thing I know, I'm 'adding to basket' and the rest is history. I need to be banned from the internet for a while.

Oh look! More than 600 hundred words. (Flees).


  1. Finally, you did write something on your blog, well, for one thing, u r better than those that dont even know what a blog is(I aint in that category oo) but i dont have a blog either..Nice post by the way. U can rest assured that urs faithfully would follow you everywhere you go...hehehe, how are you?

  2. Awww... Thanks Mish. I'm great!

  3. Hey , nice try::::obstacle in the way of starting there will always be....but you braved it..... Am so bad with CHESS...teach me biko nu....

    Kay I wanna read more from you....keep writing !

  4. That's pretty nice for a start! please ride on cos i think u've got great potentials.

  5. I was once beat 8 consecutive times at the game of chess by a female(who also happened to be my chess teacher). The 9th game was a stalemate. Have come a long way since then tho......It's one good game.
